Vial of Life provides an identification kit of important medical information that you keep in your refrigerator for use by a rescue squad if needed in an emergency. Kits are available to everyone - even if you do not have health problems. Kits are distributed by Shepherd's Center of Kansas City, Kansas, Liveable Neighborhoods, Kansas City, Kansas Community Policing, and participating Good Neighbor Pharmacies including DeGoler.

Vial of Life Kits include:

1. VIAL: A medicine container, containing a form for each household member to complete.

2. VIAL OF LIFE FORMS: Answer only the questions you want to answer.

3. RED STICKERS: To be placed on your front door, back door and refrigerator.

For more information on the Vial of Life program, please download the brochure.






Shepherd's Center of Kansas City, Kansas    757 Armstrong Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101    PH: 913-281-8908     FAX: 913-281-8910

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